Python API reference#
- paramak.tokamak(radial_build, vertical_build, triangularity=0.55, rotation_angle=180.0, extra_cut_shapes=[], extra_intersect_shapes=[], colors={})[source]#
Creates a tokamak fusion reactor from a radial and vertical build.
- Return type:
- Parameters:
radial_build – sequence of tuples containing the radial build of the reactor. Each tuple should contain a LayerType and a float
vertical_build – sequence of tuples containing the vertical build of the reactor. Each tuple should contain a LayerType and a float
triangularity – The triangularity of the plasma. Defaults to 0.55.
rotation_angle – The rotation angle of the plasma. Defaults to 180.0.
extra_cut_shapes – A list of extra shapes to cut the reactor with. Defaults to [].
extra_intersect_shapes – A list of extra shapes to intersect the reactor with. Defaults to [].
colors (dict, optional) – the colors to assign to the assembly parts. Defaults to {}. Each dictionary entry should be a key that matches the assembly part name (e.g. ‘plasma’, or ‘layer_1’) and a tuple of 3 or 4 floats between 0 and 1 representing the RGB or RGBA values.
- Returns:
A CadQuery Assembly object representing the tokamak fusion reactor.
- Return type:
- paramak.tokamak_from_plasma(radial_build, elongation=2.0, triangularity=0.55, rotation_angle=180.0, extra_cut_shapes=[], extra_intersect_shapes=[], colors={})[source]#
Creates a tokamak fusion reactor from a radial build and plasma parameters.
- Return type:
- Parameters:
radial_build – sequence of tuples containing the radial build of the reactor. Each tuple should contain a LayerType and a float
elongation – The elongation of the plasma. Defaults to 2.0.
triangularity – The triangularity of the plasma. Defaults to 0.55.
rotation_angle – The rotation angle of the plasma. Defaults to 180.0.
extra_cut_shapes – A list of extra shapes to cut the reactor with. Defaults to [].
extra_intersect_shapes – A list of extra shapes to intersect the reactor with. Defaults to [].
colors (dict, optional) – the colors to assign to the assembly parts. Defaults to {}. Each dictionary entry should be a key that matches the assembly part name (e.g. ‘plasma’, or ‘layer_1’) and a tuple of 3 or 4 floats between 0 and 1 representing the RGB or RGBA values.
- Returns:
A CadQuery Assembly object representing the tokamak fusion reactor.
- Return type:
- paramak.spherical_tokamak(radial_build, vertical_build, triangularity=0.55, rotation_angle=180.0, extra_cut_shapes=[], extra_intersect_shapes=[], colors={})[source]#
Creates a spherical tokamak fusion reactor from a radial build and vertical build.
Args: :rtype:
- radial_build: sequence of tuples containing the radial build of the
reactor. Each tuple should contain a LayerType and a float
elongation (float, optional): _description_. Defaults to 2.0. triangularity (float, optional): _description_. Defaults to 0.55. rotation_angle (Optional[str], optional): _description_. Defaults to 180.0. extra_cut_shapes (Sequence, optional): _description_. Defaults to []. colors (dict, optional): the colors to assign to the assembly parts. Defaults to {}.
Each dictionary entry should be a key that matches the assembly part name (e.g. ‘plasma’, or ‘layer_1’) and a tuple of 3 or 4 floats between 0 and 1 representing the RGB or RGBA values.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- paramak.spherical_tokamak_from_plasma(radial_build, elongation=2.0, triangularity=0.55, rotation_angle=180.0, extra_cut_shapes=[], extra_intersect_shapes=[], colors={})[source]#
Creates a spherical tokamak fusion reactor from a radial build and plasma parameters.
Args: :rtype:
- radial_build: sequence of tuples containing the radial build of the
reactor. Each tuple should contain a LayerType and a float
elongation (float, optional): _description_. Defaults to 2.0. triangularity (float, optional): _description_. Defaults to 0.55. rotation_angle (Optional[str], optional): _description_. Defaults to 180.0. extra_cut_shapes (Sequence, optional): _description_. Defaults to []. colors (dict, optional): the colors to assign to the assembly parts. Defaults to {}.
Each dictionary entry should be a key that matches the assembly part name (e.g. ‘plasma’, or ‘layer_1’) and a tuple of 3 or 4 floats between 0 and 1 representing the RGB or RGBA values.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- paramak.blanket_from_plasma(thickness, start_angle, stop_angle, minor_radius=150.0, major_radius=450.0, triangularity=0.55, elongation=2.0, vertical_displacement=0.0, offset_from_plasma=0.0, num_points=50, name='blanket_from_plasma', color=(0.333, 0.0, 0.0), rotation_angle=90.0, plane='XZ', origin=(0, 0, 0), obj=None, allow_overlapping_shape=False, connect_to_center=False)[source]#
A blanket volume created from plasma parameters. In might be nessecary to increase the num_points when making long but thin geometry with this component.
- Parameters:
thickness (float or [float] or callable or [(float), (float)]) – the thickness of the blanket (cm). If the thickness is a float then this produces a blanket of constant thickness. If the thickness is a tuple of floats, blanket thickness will vary linearly between the two values. If thickness is callable, then the blanket thickness will be a function of poloidal angle (in degrees). If thickness is a list of two lists (thicknesses and angles) then these will be used together with linear interpolation.
start_angle – the angle in degrees to start the blanket, measured anti clockwise from 3 o’clock.
stop_angle – the angle in degrees to stop the blanket, measured anti clockwise from 3 o’clock.
plasma – If not None, the parameters of the plasma Object will be used.
minor_radius – the minor radius of the plasma (cm).
major_radius – the major radius of the plasma (cm).
triangularity – the triangularity of the plasma.
elongation – the elongation of the plasma.
vertical_displacement – the vertical_displacement of the plasma (cm).
offset_from_plasma – the distance between the plasma and the blanket (cm). If float, constant offset. If list of floats, offset will vary linearly between the values. If callable, offset will be a function of poloidal angle (in degrees). If a list of two lists (angles and offsets) then these will be used together with linear interpolation.
num_points – number of points that will describe the shape.
allow_overlapping_shape – allows parameters to create a shape that overlaps itself.
- paramak.center_column_shield_cylinder(height, inner_radius, thickness, reference_point=('center', 0), name='center_column_shield_cylinder', color=(0.0, 0.333, 0.0), rotation_angle=90, plane='XZ', origin=(0, 0, 0), obj=None)[source]#
A cylindrical center column shield volume with constant thickness.
- Parameters:
height – height of the center column shield.
inner_radius – the inner radius of the center column shield.
thickness – the outer radius of the center column shield.
reference_point – the vertical coordinates to build te vessel from and description of the reference point. Can be either the ‘center’ with a numerical value or ‘lower’ with a numerical value.
- paramak.constant_thickness_dome(thickness=10, chord_center_height=0, chord_width=100, chord_height=20, upper_or_lower='upper', name='constant_thickness_dome', plane='XZ', color=(0.0, 0.333, 0.0), origin=(0, 0, 0), rotation_angle=90, obj=None, **kwargs)[source]#
A cylindrical vessel volume with constant thickness with a simple dished head. This style of tank head has no knuckle radius or straight flange. The dished shape is made from a chord of a circle.
- Parameters:
thickness – the radial thickness of the dome.
chord_center_height – the vertical position of the chord center
chord_width – the width of the chord base
chord_height – the height of the chord which is also distance between the chord_center_height and the inner surface of the dome
upper_or_lower – Curves the dish with a positive or negative direction to allow the upper section or lower section of vacuum vessel domes to be made.
name – the name of the shape, used in the graph legend and as a filename prefix when exporting.
- paramak.cutting_wedge(height, radius, rotation_angle=180.0, plane='XZ', origin=(0, 0, 0), obj=None, color=(0.0, 0.333, 0.0), name='cutting_wedge')[source]#
Creates a wedge from height, radius and rotation angle arguments than can be useful for cutting sector models.
- Parameters:
height – the vertical (z axis) height of the coil (cm).
radius – the horizontal (x axis) width of the coil (cm).
rotation_angle – Defaults to 180.0.
- paramak.dished_vacuum_vessel(radius=300, reference_point=('center', 0), dish_height=(20, 50), cylinder_height=400, thickness=15, rotation_angle=90, name='dished_vessel', plane='XZ')[source]#
A cylindrical vessel volume with constant thickness with a simple dished head. This style of tank head has no knuckle radius or straight flange.
- Parameters:
radius – the radius from which the centres of the vessel meets the outer circumference.
reference_point – the x,z coordinates to build te vessel from. Can be either the ‘center’ with a value or ‘lower’ with a value. For example
dish_height – the height of the lower and upper dish sections.
cylinder_height – the height of the cylindrical section of the vacuum vessel.
thickness – the radial thickness of the vessel in cm.
- paramak.plasma_simplified(elongation=2.0, major_radius=450.0, minor_radius=150.0, triangularity=0.55, vertical_displacement=0.0, num_points=50, name='tokamak_plasma', color=(0.333, 0.0, 0.0), rotation_angle=90, plane='XZ', origin=(0, 0, 0), obj=None)[source]#
Creates a double null tokamak plasma shape that is controlled by 4 shaping parameters.
- Parameters:
elongation – the elongation of the plasma.
major_radius – the major radius of the plasma (cm).
minor_radius – the minor radius of the plasma (cm).
triangularity – the triangularity of the plasma.
vertical_displacement – the vertical_displacement of the plasma (cm)..
num_points – number of points to describe the shape.
- paramak.poloidal_field_coil_case(coil_height, coil_width, casing_thickness, center_point, name='poloidal_field_coil_case', color=(1.0, 1.0, 0.498), rotation_angle=90, plane='XZ', origin=(0, 0, 0), obj=None)[source]#
Constant thickness casing for a rectangular poloidal coil.
- Parameters:
coil_height – the vertical (z axis) height of the coil (cm).
coil_width – the horizontal (x axis) width of the coil (cm).
center_point – the center of the coil (x,z) values (cm).
casing_thickness – the thickness of the coil casing (cm).
- paramak.poloidal_field_coil(height, width, center_point, name='poloidal_field_coil', color=(0.0, 0.333, 0.0), rotation_angle=90, plane='XZ', origin=(0, 0, 0), obj=None)[source]#
A rectangular poloidal field coil.
- Parameters:
height – the vertical (z axis) height of the coil.
width – the horizontal (x axis) width of the coil.
center_point – the center of the coil (x,z) values.
- paramak.toroidal_field_coil_rectangle(horizontal_start_point=(20, 200), vertical_mid_point=(350, 0), thickness=30, distance=20, rotation_angle=360.0, name='toroidal_field_coil', with_inner_leg=True, azimuthal_placement_angles=[0], vertical_displacement=0.0, color=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), plane='XZ', origin=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), obj=None)[source]#
Creates a rectangular shaped toroidal field coil.
- Parameters:
horizontal_start_point – the (x,z) coordinates of the inner upper point (cm).
vertical_mid_point – the (x,z) coordinates of the mid point of the vertical section (cm).
thickness – the thickness of the toroidal field coil.
distance – the extrusion distance.
rotation_angle (float) – angle of rotation in degrees, this cuts the resulting shape with a wedge. Useful for sector models.
with_inner_leg – include the inner tf leg. Defaults to True.
azimuth_start_angle – The azimuth angle to for the first TF coil which offsets the placement of coils around the azimuthal angle
- paramak.u_shaped_dome(radius=310, reference_point=('lower', 0), dish_height=50, cylinder_height=400, thickness=16, rotation_angle=180, name='u_shaped_dome', plane='XZ', upper_or_lower='upper')[source]#
A cylindrical u shaped dome with constant thickness.
- Parameters:
radius – the radius from which the centres of the vessel meets the outer circumference.
reference_point – the x,z coordinates to build te vessel from. Can be either the ‘center’ with a value or ‘lower’ with a value. For example
dish_height – the height of the lower and upper dish sections.
cylinder_height – the height of the cylindrical section of the vacuum vessel.
thickness – the radial thickness of the vessel in cm.