import typing
from ..utils import create_wire_workplane_from_points, rotate_solid
from ..workplanes.cutting_wedge import cutting_wedge
def toroidal_field_coil_rectangle(
horizontal_start_point: typing.Tuple[float, float] = (20, 200),
vertical_mid_point: typing.Tuple[float, float] = (350, 0),
thickness: float = 30,
distance: float = 20,
rotation_angle: float = 360.0,
name: str = "toroidal_field_coil",
with_inner_leg: bool = True,
azimuthal_placement_angles: typing.Sequence[float] = [0],
vertical_displacement: float = 0.0,
color: typing.Tuple[float, float, float, typing.Optional[float]] = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
plane: str = "XZ",
origin: typing.Tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
"""Creates a rectangular shaped toroidal field coil.
horizontal_start_point: the (x,z) coordinates of the inner upper
point (cm).
vertical_mid_point: the (x,z) coordinates of the mid point of the
vertical section (cm).
thickness: the thickness of the toroidal field coil.
distance: the extrusion distance.
rotation_angle (float): angle of rotation in degrees, this cuts the resulting shape with a wedge. Useful for sector models.
with_inner_leg: include the inner tf leg. Defaults to True.
azimuth_start_angle: The azimuth angle to for the first TF coil which
offsets the placement of coils around the azimuthal angle
if horizontal_start_point[0] >= vertical_mid_point[0]:
raise ValueError(
"horizontal_start_point x should be smaller than the \
vertical_mid_point x value"
if vertical_mid_point[1] >= horizontal_start_point[1]:
raise ValueError(
"vertical_mid_point y value should be smaller than the \
horizontal_start_point y value"
points = [
horizontal_start_point, # connection point
horizontal_start_point[0] + thickness,
(vertical_mid_point[0], horizontal_start_point[1]),
(vertical_mid_point[0], -horizontal_start_point[1]),
# connection point
horizontal_start_point[0] + thickness,
# connection point
(horizontal_start_point[0], -horizontal_start_point[1]),
-(horizontal_start_point[1] + thickness),
vertical_mid_point[0] + thickness,
-(horizontal_start_point[1] + thickness),
vertical_mid_point[0] + thickness,
horizontal_start_point[1] + thickness,
horizontal_start_point[1] + thickness,
# adds any vertical displacement and the connection type to the points
points = [(point[0], point[1] + vertical_displacement, "straight") for point in points]
wire = create_wire_workplane_from_points(points=points, plane=plane, origin=origin, obj=obj)
solid = wire.extrude(until=distance / 2, both=True)
solid = rotate_solid(angles=azimuthal_placement_angles, solid=solid)
if with_inner_leg:
inner_leg_connection_points = [
(points[0][0], points[0][1], "straight"),
(points[1][0], points[1][1], "straight"),
(points[4][0], points[4][1], "straight"),
(points[5][0], points[5][1], "straight"),
(points[0][0], points[0][1], "straight"),
inner_wire = create_wire_workplane_from_points(
points=inner_leg_connection_points, plane=plane, origin=origin, obj=obj
inner_solid = inner_wire.extrude(until=distance / 2, both=True)
inner_solid = rotate_solid(angles=azimuthal_placement_angles, solid=inner_solid)
solid = solid.union(inner_solid)
if rotation_angle < 360.0:
bb = solid.val().BoundingBox()
radius = max(bb.xmax, bb.ymax) * 1.1 # 10% larger than the bounding box to ensure clean cut
height = max(bb.zmax, bb.zmin) * 2.1 # 10% larger than the bounding box to ensure clean cut
cutting_shape = cutting_wedge(height=height, radius=radius, rotation_angle=rotation_angle)
solid = solid.intersect(cutting_shape) = name
solid.color = color
return solid