Source code for paramak.workplanes.constant_thickness_dome

import math
import numbers
import typing

import cadquery as cq

from ..utils import create_wire_workplane_from_points
from ..workplanes.cutting_wedge import cutting_wedge

[docs] def constant_thickness_dome( thickness: float = 10, chord_center_height: float = 0, chord_width: float = 100, chord_height: float = 20, upper_or_lower: str = "upper", name: str = "constant_thickness_dome", plane="XZ", color: typing.Tuple[float, float, float, typing.Optional[float]] = ( 0.0, 0.333, 0.0, ), origin=(0, 0, 0), rotation_angle=90, obj=None, **kwargs, ): """A cylindrical vessel volume with constant thickness with a simple dished head. This style of tank head has no knuckle radius or straight flange. The dished shape is made from a chord of a circle. Arguments: thickness: the radial thickness of the dome. chord_center_height: the vertical position of the chord center chord_width: the width of the chord base chord_height: the height of the chord which is also distance between the chord_center_height and the inner surface of the dome upper_or_lower: Curves the dish with a positive or negative direction to allow the upper section or lower section of vacuum vessel domes to be made. name: the name of the shape, used in the graph legend and as a filename prefix when exporting. """ if not isinstance(chord_width, numbers.Number): raise ValueError("ConstantThicknessDome.chord_width must be a float. Not", chord_width) if chord_width <= 0: msg = f"ConstantThicknessDome.chord_width must be a positive number above 0. Not {chord_width}" raise ValueError(msg) if not isinstance(chord_height, numbers.Number): raise ValueError("ConstantThicknessDome.chord_height must be a float. Not", chord_height) if chord_height <= 0: msg = f"ConstantThicknessDome.chord_height must be a positive number above 0. Not {chord_height}" raise ValueError(msg) if not isinstance(thickness, numbers.Number): msg = f"VacuumVessel.thickness must be a float. Not {thickness}" raise ValueError(msg) if thickness <= 0: msg = f"VacuumVessel.thickness must be a positive number above 0. Not {thickness}" raise ValueError(msg) # Note these points are not used in the normal way when constructing # the solid # # 6 - # | - # 7 - - # - - # - 3 # - | # cc 1 -- 2 # chord center # # # cp # center point # # # # # cc 1 -- 2 # - | # - 3 # - - # 7 - - # | - # 6 - # far side if chord_height * 2 >= chord_width: msg = "ConstantThicknessDome requires that the chord_width " "is at least 2 times as large as the chord height" raise ValueError(msg) radius_of_sphere = ((math.pow(chord_width, 2)) + (4.0 * math.pow(chord_height, 2))) / (8 * chord_height) # TODO set to 0 for now, add ability to shift the center of the chord left and right chord_center = (0, chord_center_height) point_1 = (chord_center[0] + (chord_width / 2), chord_center[1], "straight") if upper_or_lower == "upper": center_point = (chord_center[0], chord_center[1] + chord_height - radius_of_sphere) inner_tri_angle = math.atan((center_point[1] - chord_center[1]) / (chord_width / 2)) outer_tri_adj = math.cos(inner_tri_angle) * thickness point_2 = (point_1[0] + thickness, point_1[1], "straight") outer_tri_opp = math.sqrt(math.pow(thickness, 2) - math.pow(outer_tri_adj, 2)) point_7 = (chord_center[0], chord_center[1] + radius_of_sphere, "straight") point_6 = (chord_center[0], chord_center[1] + radius_of_sphere + thickness, "straight") far_side = (center_point[0], center_point[1] - (radius_of_sphere + thickness)) point_3 = (point_2[0], point_2[1] + outer_tri_opp, "straight") elif upper_or_lower == "lower": center_point = (chord_center[0], chord_center[1] - chord_height + radius_of_sphere) inner_tri_angle = math.atan((center_point[1] - chord_center[1]) / (chord_width / 2)) outer_tri_adj = math.cos(inner_tri_angle) * thickness point_2 = (point_1[0] + thickness, point_1[1], "straight") outer_tri_opp = math.sqrt(math.pow(thickness, 2) - math.pow(outer_tri_adj, 2)) point_7 = (chord_center[0], chord_center[1] - radius_of_sphere, "straight") point_6 = (chord_center[0], chord_center[1] - (radius_of_sphere + thickness), "straight") far_side = (center_point[0], center_point[1] + radius_of_sphere + thickness) point_3 = (point_2[0], point_2[1] - outer_tri_opp, "straight") else: msg = f'upper_or_lower should be either "upper" or "lower". Not {upper_or_lower}' raise ValueError(msg) points = [point_1, point_2, point_3, point_6, point_7] radius_of_sphere = ((math.pow(chord_width, 2)) + (4.0 * math.pow(chord_height, 2))) / (8 * chord_height) # TODO set to 0 for now, add ability to shift the center of the chord left and right chord_center = (0, chord_center_height) # far_side is center on x and if upper_or_lower == "upper": center_point = (chord_center[0], chord_center[1] + chord_height - radius_of_sphere) far_side = (center_point[0], center_point[1] - (radius_of_sphere + thickness)) elif upper_or_lower == "lower": center_point = (chord_center[0], chord_center[1] - chord_height + radius_of_sphere) far_side = (center_point[0], center_point[1] + radius_of_sphere + thickness) else: raise ValueError("upper_or_lower argument must be set to either 'upper' or 'lower'") big_sphere = cq.Workplane(plane).moveTo(center_point[0], center_point[1]).sphere(radius_of_sphere + thickness) small_sphere = cq.Workplane(plane).moveTo(center_point[0], center_point[1]).sphere(radius_of_sphere) wire = create_wire_workplane_from_points( points=( (chord_center[0], chord_center[1], "straight"), (chord_center[0] + radius_of_sphere + thickness, chord_center[1], "straight"), (chord_center[0] + radius_of_sphere + thickness, far_side[1], "straight"), (chord_center[0], far_side[1], "straight"), (chord_center[0], chord_center[1], "straight"), ), plane=plane, origin=origin, obj=obj, ) inner_cylinder_cutter = wire.revolve(360) wire = create_wire_workplane_from_points( points=( (chord_center[0], chord_center[1], "straight"), # cc (points[1][0], points[1][1], "straight"), # point 2 (points[2][0], points[2][1], "straight"), # point 3 (points[2][0] + radius_of_sphere, points[2][1], "straight"), # point 3 wider (points[2][0] + radius_of_sphere, far_side[1], "straight"), (far_side[0], far_side[1], "straight"), (chord_center[0], far_side[1], "straight"), ), plane=plane, origin=origin, obj=obj, ) outer_cylinder_cutter = wire.revolve(360) cap = big_sphere.cut(small_sphere) height = 2 * (radius_of_sphere + abs(center_point[1]) + thickness) radius = 2 * (radius_of_sphere + abs(center_point[0]) + thickness) cutter = cutting_wedge(height=height, radius=radius, rotation_angle=rotation_angle, plane=plane) cap = cap.cut(outer_cylinder_cutter).cut(inner_cylinder_cutter) cap = cap.intersect(cutter) = name cap.color = cq.Color(*color) return cap