Source code for paramak.workplanes.plasma_simplified

import typing

import numpy as np

from ..utils import create_wire_workplane_from_points

[docs] def plasma_simplified( elongation: float = 2.0, major_radius: float = 450.0, minor_radius: float = 150.0, triangularity: float = 0.55, vertical_displacement: float = 0.0, num_points: float = 50, name: str = "tokamak_plasma", color: typing.Tuple[float, float, float, typing.Optional[float]] = ( 0.333, 0.0, 0.0, ), rotation_angle=90, plane="XZ", origin=(0, 0, 0), obj=None, ): """Creates a double null tokamak plasma shape that is controlled by 4 shaping parameters. Args: elongation: the elongation of the plasma. major_radius: the major radius of the plasma (cm). minor_radius: the minor radius of the plasma (cm). triangularity: the triangularity of the plasma. vertical_displacement: the vertical_displacement of the plasma (cm).. num_points: number of points to describe the shape. """ # create array of angles theta theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, num=num_points, endpoint=False) # parametric equations for plasma def R(theta): return major_radius + minor_radius * np.cos(theta + triangularity * np.sin(theta)) def Z(theta): return elongation * minor_radius * np.sin(theta) + vertical_displacement points = np.stack((R(theta), Z(theta)), axis=1).tolist() points.append(points[0]) for point in points: point.append("spline") wire = create_wire_workplane_from_points(points=points, plane=plane, origin=origin, obj=obj) # avoids shape with surface on join that can't be meshed for 360 degree plasmas if rotation_angle >= 360: solid1 = wire.revolve(180, (1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0)) solid2 = solid1.mirror(solid1.faces(">X"), union=True) solid = solid2.union(solid1) # todo try fuzzy bool tol=0.01 else: solid = wire.revolve(rotation_angle) = name solid.color = color return solid